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위의 음성녹음을 클릭하면 저의 육성기도를 들을 수 있습니다.
17. 3.5.(일) 아침 식사 전에 저의 방의 십자고상을 잠시 바라보고 창조주 성부 하느님에게
눈을 감고 기도를 드렸습니다.
휴대폰을 들고 그 안의 녹음기에 녹음을 한 것을 이 블로그에 옮긴 것입니다.
이 기도를 마치고 눈을 뜨자 눈물이 두 눈에서 줄줄 흘러 내려 바로 옆 화장실에 가서
물로 닦아 내었습니다.
천상의 책 제20권 27장 1926년 11월 20일
하느님의 속성들은 영혼 안에 각각 작고 새로운 바다를 형성한다.
창조된 만물은 부단한 활동 속에 있다.
‘피앗의 나라’는 바로 하느님의 자녀들이 그분의 부성적인 품속으로 돌아오는 것이다.
1. 늘 하는 방식대로 모든 피조물 사이를 순례하면서 그들 안에서 활동하시는 지고하신 뜻의 행위를 따라가고 있었다. 그러는 동안, 언제나 사랑하올 예수님께서 그 각 조물을 통하여 내게 이렇게 말씀하시는 소리가 들렸다.
2. “누가 내 사랑을 부르고 있느냐? 내 사랑이 그의 사랑 안으로 내려가든지, 그의 사랑이 내 사랑의 안으로 올라오든지 하여 서로 함께 녹아 오직 하나의 사랑을 이루려고, 또 내 사랑에게 활동 영역을 제공하려고, 그리하여 영혼 안에 그 사랑의 작은 새 바다를 일으키려고 내 사랑을 부르고 있는 자가 누구냐?
내 사랑은 (그에게서) 배출구와 활동 영역을 받은 까닭에 승리감과 축제 기분에 젖어 있다.”
3. 또 내가 태양과 하늘과 바다 속으로 옮겨감에 따라 이렇게 말씀하시는 그분의 소리가 계속 들려 왔다.
“누가 나의 영원한 빛과 무한한 감미로움과 비길 데 없는 아름다움과 흔들림 없는 확고함 및 나의 무한성을 부르며 그들을 수행하는 행렬을 이루고자 하며, 그들에게 활동 영역을 제공하여 피조물 안에 같은 수의 빛의 바다와 감미로움의 바다, 아름다움의 바다와
확고함의 바다 등등이 나타나게 하고자 하느냐?
휴대폰에 녹음한 저의 목소리가 더 정확하게 들립니다. 휴대폰 녹음을 듣기를 원하면 카카오 톡으로 보내드리겠으니 휴대폰 번호를 댓글에 올려 주시기 바랍니다.
구글 번역기를 활용하여, 녹음 내용을 영어로 번역하여 이 블로그에 올리는 것도 계획하고 있습니다.
천상의 책 제20권 27장 1926.11.20. 스캔복사
Book of Heaven Volume 20 November 20, 1926
How all the Divine Attributes take on the office of forming the new little sea of their qualities in the soul.
How everyone has a motion.
I was doing my round in the Creation according to my usual way, in order to follow the acts of the Supreme Will in It. But while I was doing this, my always lovable Jesus, letting me hear His most sweet voice, in each created thing, told me: “Who is calling My Love, so that either My Love may descend into her, or her own may ascend into Mine, so as to fuse themselves together, form one single love, and to give My Love the field of action in order to make arise in the soul the new little sea of her love? My Love triumphs and celebrates, because it is given its outlet and its field of action.”
As I moved into the sun, into the heavens, into the sea, I kept hearing His voice saying: “Who is calling My
eternal Light, My infinite Sweetness, My incomparable Beauty, My unshakeable Firmness, My Immensity, in
order to form their cortege and give them the field of action to make arise in the creature as many seas of light, of sweetness, of beauty, of firmness, and so forth—to give them the contentment of not being kept idle, but of
using the littleness of the creature in order to enclose all of their qualities in her? Who is she, then? Ah! It is the little daughter of Our Will.”
Then, after I heard Him say to me, in each created thing, “Who is calling Me?” my sweet Jesus came out from
within my interior, and clasping me all to Himself, told me: “My daughter, as you go around in My Will, to follow It in each created thing, all of My Attributes hear your call and enter the field in order to form, each one of them, the little sea of their qualities. Oh! how they triumph in seeing themselves active—being able to form each
one its own little sea. But their highest pleasure and delight increases in being able to form in the little creature their seas of love, of light, of beauty, of tenderness, of power, and so forth. My Wisdom acts as a talented
artisan and with marvelous ingenuity, in placing its immense and infinite qualities in the littleness. Oh! how the
soul who lives in My Will harmonizes with My Attributes. Each one of them takes on its office in order to
establish its Divine Quality. If you knew the great good that comes to you by following My Will in all of Its acts, and the crafting It carries out in you, you too would feel the joy of a continuous feast.”
Then, after this, I continued to follow the Creation, and I could see that Eternal Motion that never stops, flowing everywhere; and I thought to myself: “How can I follow the Supreme Volition in everything, if It runs so rapidly
in all things? I do not have Its virtue, nor Its rapidity; therefore I have to remain behind, without being able to
follow Its eternal murmuring in everything.”
But while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, all things have
a continuous motion, because, having come out of a Supreme Being who contains a motion full of life, as a
consequence, all things that came out of God were to contain a vital motion that never ceases. And if it ceases, it means that life ceases.
“See, you yourself have a murmuring, a continuous motion in your interior. Even more, the Divinity, in creating
the creature, gave him the Likeness of the Three Divine Persons; It placed in him three motions that were to
murmur continuously, to unite themselves to that continuous motion and murmuring of love of their Creator. And these are: the motion of the beating of the heart that never ceases, the blood circulation that always circulates
without ever stopping, the breathing of the breath that never stops. This, in the body; in the soul, then, there are three more motions that murmur continuously: the intellect, the memory and the will.
“Therefore, everything is in keeping your motion bound to the motion of your Creator, in order to murmur
together with His Eternal Motion. In this way, you will follow My Will in Its motion that never stops, in Its acts that never cease, and you will make your motion return into the womb of your Creator, who awaits with so
much love the return of His works, of His Love, and of His murmuring.
“In creating the creatures, the Divinity acts like a father who sends his children, for their good, one to a town,
one to a field, one to cross the sea—and some to a place nearby, some far away—giving each one of them a task to fulfill. But, while he sends them, he anxiously awaits their return; he is always on the lookout to see if they
are coming back. If he speaks, he speaks about his children; if he loves, his love runs to his children; his
thoughts fly to his children.
“Poor father, he feels crucified because he has sent his children far away from him, and he longs for their return, more than his own life. And if—may this never be—he does not see all of them, or part of them, come back, he is inconsolable; he weeps and utters moans and cries of sorrow, such as to snatch tears even from the hardest. And only when he sees them return into his paternal bosom, to clasp them to his breast that burns with love for his
children—then is he content. Oh! how our Celestial Father, more than father, sighs, burns, raves for His children, because He delivered them from His womb, and awaits their return in order to enjoy them in His loving arms.
And the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat is precisely this: the return of Our children into Our paternal arms; and
this is why We long for It so much.”
Then, after this, I felt all immersed in the adorable Will of God, and I thought to myself of the great good if everyone knew and fulfilled this Fiat so holy, and the great contentment that they would give to our Celestial Father.
And my sweet Jesus, resuming His speaking, added: “My daughter, in creating the creature, as We were forming him with Our creative hands, We felt a joy, a contentment come out of Our womb, because he was to serve to
maintain Our amusement on the face of the earth, and Our continuous feast. So, as We formed his feet, We
thought that they were to serve Our kisses, because they were to enclose Our steps and were to be our means
of encounter, to amuse ourselves together. As We formed his hands, We thought that they were to serve Our
kisses and embraces, because We were to see in him the repeater of Our works.
“As We formed his mouth, his heart, that were to serve the echo of Our Word and of Our Love, and as We infused life in him with Our breath, in seeing that that life had come out of Us—it was a life completely Our own, We
clasped him to Our womb and kissed him, as the confirmation of Our work and of Our Love. And so that he might maintain himself whole in Our steps, in Our works, in the echo of Our Word and Love, and of the life of Our
Image impressed in him, We gave him Our Divine Will as inheritance, that It might preserve him just as We had delivered him, so as to be able to continue Our amusements, Our affectionate kisses, Our sweet conversations
with the work of Our hands.
“When We see Our Will in the creature, We see in her Our steps, Our works, Our Love, Our words, Our memory and intellect, because We know that Our Supreme Will will let nothing enter that is not Our own. Therefore,
being Our own, We give her everything—kisses, caresses, favors, love, tenderness more than paternal—nor do
We feel like remaining even at one step of distance from her; more so, since even the slightest distances cannot form the continuous amusements, nor exchange kisses, nor share the most intimate and secret joys.
“On the other hand, in the soul in whom We do not see Our Will, We cannot amuse Ourselves, because We see
nothing that is Our own. Such a disharmony, such a dissimilarity of steps, of works, of words, of love can be felt in her, that she herself puts herself at a distance from her Creator; and wherever We see that the powerful
magnet of Our Will is not present, that makes Us as though forget about the infinite distance that exists between the Creator and the creature, We disdain to amuse Ourselves with her, and to fill her with Our kisses and favors.
“So, by withdrawing from Our Will, man interrupted Our amusements and destroyed the designs We had in
forming the Creation; and only by the reigning of Our Supreme Fiat, by establishing Its Kingdom, will Our
designs be realized and Our amusements resumed on the face of the earth.”
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